The Institute for Integral Yoga Psychology is a project of MIRRAVISION TRUST, financed by Auroshakti Foundation, a non-profit, public charitable trust registered at Pondicherry, India (with offices at Kolkata and Delhi), to study, design and apply Sri Aurobindo’s and the Mother’s thought in the areas of psychology, mental health, psychiatry, health and well-being, education and social-sciences at large. Its primary task is to establish, run, finance activities related to mental health, psychiatric rehabilitation, well-being , health, inter-disciplinary studies in psychology, psychiatry and social sciences, publication as well as to sponsor the Institute for Integral Yoga Psychology. |
The Institute is sponsored by Mirravision Trust to promote the study and teaching of Sri Aurobindo’s psychological system and devise constructs for:
Psychological health and growth |
Integral well-being
Integral counseling and Integral psychotherapy |
Transformation of consciousness
The Life Divine
The magnum opus of Sri Aurobindo is the agenda of the New Age, the log book of the trajectory of Consciousness that aims to manifest the Highest Truth in its totality of Knowledge and Power in the present world of imperfection and chaos.
Is that possible? How can we be free from the chains of ignorance, suffering, falsehood and death in earthly life itself?
In this website, we shall follow
The Life Divine, chapter by chapter, trying to understand and analyse it from the psychological perspective that appeals to the contemporary global mind-set. |